Environment Friendly

Sustainability is an essential consideration for FITSHIELD DIET FOOD as we aim to create a healthier world. We believe that it's our responsibility to take care of the environment, Stakeholders, Community, and Society and make conscious decisions that have a positive impact on our planet.


Lowering Carbon Foot prints

Sustainable sourcing of ingredients

We aim to source their ingredients sustainably. This means that they try to source their ingredients locally, reduce waste, and support organic farming practices. By sourcing ingredients locally, they reduce the carbon emissions associated with transportation and support local economies.

Reduced food waste

that customers only receive what they need, and there is no excess food that goes to waste.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, food waste is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable packaging

We use sustainable packaging materials such as recycled paper and biodegradable plastics. By using sustainable packaging, they reduce their carbon footprint and help prevent waste from ending up in landfills. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, food waste is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Continuous improvement

We use sustainable packaging materials such as recycled paper and biodegradable plastics. By using sustainable packaging, they reduce their carbon footprint and help prevent waste from ending up in landfills.

Zero Food Waste Policy

Precise Meal Planning

We plan our meals carefully to ensure that we use every ingredient efficiently, minimizing waste. We carefully measure and portion out our ingredients to ensure that we use just the right amount in every meal.

Smart Inventory Management

We carefully manage our inventory through our integrated IT infrastructure to ensure that we use up the ingredients we have before they go bad. This includes rotating our stock and using the first-in, first-out method to ensure that older ingredients are used up before new ones.

Creative Meal Preparation

We use creative meal preparation techniques to make the most of every ingredient. This includes using vegetable scraps to make broth or using leftover cooked grains in salads or stir-fries.

Composting and Recycling

We compost our food scraps and recycle our packaging to minimize our waste. We also encourage our customers to recycle or return our packaging to us for reuse.


We donate our excess food to local charities and organizations that support those in need. This helps reduce food waste and ensures that those in need have access to healthy meals.

Water saving

Reduced Water Consumption in Food Production

When we waste food, we are also wasting the water used to produce that food. According to the World Wildlife Fund, it takes an estimated 1,320 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. By reducing our food waste, we are also reducing the amount of water used in food production.

Efficient Meal Planning

Our precise meal planning through Integrated IT ecosystem helps us to use ingredients more efficiently and reduce the amount of water used in food preparation. By measuring and portioning our ingredients carefully, we can reduce the amount of water used in cooking and cleaning.

Reduced Water Consumption in Waste Management

Food waste that ends up in landfills can contribute to water pollution. As food waste decomposes, it produces methane gas, which can seep into groundwater and contaminate drinking water sources. By composting our food waste, we are reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfills and reducing the risk of water pollution.

Environmental Impact Reduction

Water conservation is an important part of our overall environmental impact reduction strategy. By implementing our Zero Food Waste policy, we are not only reducing our water consumption but also reducing our overall carbon footprint.

Effective use of Energy sources

Energy-Efficient Kitchen Equipment

We use energy-efficient kitchen equipment, such as induction cooktops, ovens, and refrigerators, to minimize our energy consumption. These appliances use less energy than traditional appliances, which helps us to reduce our carbon footprint.

LED Lighting

We use LED lighting in our facilities, which is more energy-efficient than traditional lighting. LED lighting uses less energy and has a longer lifespan than traditional lighting, which helps us to reduce our energy consumption and waste production.

Employee Education

We educate our employees about the importance of energy efficiency and provide them with tips and resources to reduce their energy consumption at work and at home.

Environmental Impact Reduction

Water conservation is an important part of our overall environmental impact reduction strategy. By implementing our Zero Food Waste policy, we are not only reducing our water consumption but also reducing our overall carbon footprint.

Local Community Engagement

Sustainability is an essential consideration for FITSHIELD DIET FOOD as we aim to create a healthier world. We believe that it's our responsibility to take care of the environment, Stakeholders, Community, and Society and make conscious decisions that have a positive impact on our planet.


Health Experts Engagement

Partnership program

We have a partnership program that allows health Experts to collaborate with us and offer their services to our customers. This program provides them with the opportunity to reach a wider audience and grow their client base.

Continuing education

We provide continuing education opportunities for dieticians to keep up-to-date with the latest research and trends in the field of nutrition. This helps them provide the best possible advice to their clients.

Mentorship program

We have a mentorship program that pairs experienced dieticians with those who are just starting their careers. This program provides new dieticians with the support and guidance they need to succeed in their career.

Professional development

We provide resources and support for enthusiastic students of health & wellness field to develop their professional skills and expand their knowledge. This includes access to workshops, seminars, and conferences.

Community building

We create opportunities for health experts to connect with each other and build a supportive community. This includes networking events, online forums, and social media groups.

Healthy restaurant Engagement

Collaboration program

We have a Collaboration program that allows local healthy restaurants to collaborate with us and offer their services to our customers. This program provides these restaurants with the opportunity to reach a wider audience and increase their revenue.

Marketing and promotion

We promote FITSHIELD partnered local healthy restaurants on our website, social media channels, and other marketing channels to help raise awareness of their business and drive more customers to their doors.

Financial assistance

We provide financial assistance to struggling local healthy restaurants to help them cover their expenses and stay afloat during tough times. This includes loans, and other forms of financial support.

Community building

We encourage our community of customers to support local healthy restaurants by dining at their establishments, sharing their positive experiences on social media, and recommending them to friends and family.

Fitness Centres Engagement

Partnership Program

We partner with local fitness centres to offer our customers a wider range of health and wellness services. By partnering with these centres, we help them to expand their customer base and generate more revenue.

Business Consulting and Mentoring

We offer business consulting and mentoring services to local fitness centres to help them improve their operations and increase their profitability. This includes helping them to optimize their services, improve their marketing strategy, and reduce their costs.

Financial Assistance

We provide financial assistance to local fitness centres in the form of loans or grants to help them overcome financial challenges and keep their doors open.

Community Support

We encourage our community of customers to support local fitness centres by signing up for their classes, sharing their positive experiences on social media, and recommending them to friends and family.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability is an essential consideration for FITSHIELD DIET FOOD as we aim to create a healthier world. We believe that it's our responsibility to take care of the environment, Stakeholders, Community, and Society and make conscious decisions that have a positive impact on our planet.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Creating local job opportunities

FITSHIELD create local job opportunities by hiring employees from the local community. This can help to boost the local economy and provide employment opportunities for individuals who may face barriers to finding work.

Donating meals to local charities

FITSHIELD can donate meals to local charities that support individuals and families in need. This can include food banks or organizations that provide meals to those experiencing homelessness.

Employee Well-being

FITSHIELD places a strong emphasis on employee well-being. They provide their employees with a safe and healthy work environment, fair wages, and opportunities for personal and professional development.

Diversity and Inclusion

FITSHIELD is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in their workplace and in the wider community. They work to create a culture of respect and inclusivity, and they partner with local organizations to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Our employees participate in volunteer activities in our local communities, such as organizing fitness and wellness events, participating in local clean-up activities, and supporting local charities.